SteppingStone Theatre
55 Victoria Ave 
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104



A Very Public Confession

One of the most famous verses in Christianity sates: "If you declarewith your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). This week Pastor Brad wrestles with the important questions:


  • Why the public confession?
  • Why is a heart-centered conviction in the resurrection so important?


Listen: A Very Public Confession


Who Chooses Whom, part 2

What does the choosing of Israel and the choosing of Christ have to do with God choosing us? In our second week on the controversial topics of divine election and predestination, Pastor Brad unpacks a third view (the one to which he ascribes)--Corporate Election. 

Listen | Part 2


Who Chooses Whom?

As we continue our journey through the book of Romans, chapters 9-11 force the reader to wrestle with some key questions:

  • Isn’t Israel the chosen people of God?
  • What does it mean for God to choose people?
  • Does God choose some and not choose others?
  • What role does our choice to believe have within God’s choosing? 
  • How do we know we’ve been chosen?

In this message Pastor Brad explores the 2 main ways the Church has answered these questions.

Listen | Who Chooses Whom


Masterpiece Project Sunday

The Masterpiece Project is a non-profit youth outreach organization birthed out of The Gallery. Listen as Pastor Quest Mazique calls us in this climate of division to "come to the table" together.

Listen | Our God, Our Moment, Our Time


Why the Church?

On January 10, 2010 The Gallery launched its first public Sunday morning worship service. Five years later Pastor Brad asks a very important question: "Why in the world are we doing this?!" 

Listen | Why the Church?